Remember the Garage Sale here at the church on Saturday, March 7 from 7:00 am until 3:00 pm. Thank you to all who have donated! All proceeds from the sale will be used for our fund which provides financial support for our senior members and other members in need. Come share in the garage sale and also help to minister to our members.
Sunday, March 8 will be our spring break in Sunday School. Classes will not meet on that day but will resume on Sunday, March 15.
We offer special Wednesday evening activities during the Lenten season. We will begin on Wednesday, March 6. Here is our Wednesday schedule:
6:00 p.m. – Soup Supper – We share a simple meal of soup and salad. Please come for a time of fellowship and food. Also, please sign up to help with a supper!
6:30 p.m.—Congregational Prayer Time - Please mark this Lenten season by joining with others in prayer for our congregation.
7:00 p.m. — Lenten Worship - Our worship this year will be a bit different. We will begin with a study of Luther’s Small Catechism lead by Pastor Mark, and then conclude with a time of Lenten worship.
On Sunday morning, March 1, we have a special service planned. The worship service will focus around a Renewal of Baptism. This is a most appropriate service for the Lenten Season, and a very special time of worship!
Here are hours for Debbie Miller in our church office:
Tuesdays - 10:00 to 2:00
Wednesdays - 10:00 to 2:00
If you would like to catch Debbie at another time, please call her and she will set up a time with you.
We know this is early, but here are some dates for your summer planning:
Students in grades 4 through 8, we are going to Lutherhill again this summer. Our week of camp is going to be July 19-24. For more information call Pastor Mark.
High School Students who want to be in the LYLE program, we are looking at the session for July 19-31.
Our annual day camp with Lutherhill will be June 22-26. Our Day Camp is for children age 3 through the 6th grade.
There is a discounted registration fee for campers at Lutherhill that ends on March 5. You can register your children after that, but the cost goes up $40. We try to register our students before the deadline to save money.
If you know your child is going to camp, please let Pastor Mark know by March 3 so that he can get them registered under the discounted rate! Thank you!