March 19th, & 26th

April 2nd & 9th

Soup Supper

5:30 PM

Soup, Salad, & Bread

There is a sign up sheet in the Narthex. 

Lenten Vespers Service 

6:30 PM

March 23rd

No Sunday School 

March 23rd

March 20th

March 30th

Time and Talents 2025

My Time and Talents


The NEW Time and Talents forms are available.

We encourage everyone to complete a form and return it (Adults and Children).

One form per person.

Paper copies will be available this Sunday the 16th.

You can place them in the offering plate, in the gold box in the Narthex, on Natalie's desk, or mail them back to the church.

If you would like a copy emailed or mailed to you, please email the church office and let Natalie know:

You can also answer online.

Click the button below.

Weekly Events

Looking Ahead


9:15 AM

Bible Study    Sunday School    Choir

10:00 AM


4:00 PM

Mondays - Men's Bible Study 8:00 PM
Tuesdays - Quilters 9:00 AM                

                        Spin Class 6:00 PM
Thursdays - Bible Study 10:00 AM      

                           CoDA 6:00 PM


Join our weekly Epistle here