1) Palnanguppam Worship Center, a newly formed church, conducted weekly service in one of the congregation member's yards under an outdoor pavilion. They do not have an actual church building. Their faith is so unfathomable. After working out in the fields all day, these people join together in the evenings for worship. It truly touched my heart. They requested plastic chairs, roll-up floor mats, a portable fan, outdoor lighting, bibles, and hymnals. All of these were things I could purchase and provide to them.
2) Kadhavani Samathuvapuram Worship Center rents a piece of land to hold services. Again, unable to budget the actual purchase of the land, I provided 6 months’ rent (15,000 rupees/approx. 200 US dollars total), along with the other essentials. They were so grateful for these simple, yet necessary items.
3) The last church, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, had a structure built in the 1940s by a missionary. They requested an audio system with speakers and microphones. Another unique request was for a timer bell. Hourly this bell sounds with a small piece of music, a bible verse, and announces the church service times. The goal is for all to hear and come to join. (50,000 rupees/ approx. $600)
4) My next mission led me to, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, a very small church near Ambur, India. Currently, all members sit on the ground during church. This has been difficult for older members and this church requested plastic chairs and hymnals. I also provided 10 new saris for the female church members. 5) My final church assistance was for a very small group of members. This church is very informal and impoverished. They do not have any formalities, except to gather and worship. I provided 10 saris for the female members and sweets for the children.
6) My next big project moved to IELC Lutheran School (Home) for the Deaf and Dumb. With assistance from Rev. S. Sugumar, BD., Pastor of Christ Lutheran Cathedral Church-Vellore, I was able to donate one month's total expenses for 40 physically challenged children. I also organized a celebratory lunch for all the staff and students
I humbly thank NALC, OSLC, and the individual donors for contributing to changing the lives of people. Although these projects seem so small in comparison to other mission projects, the impact that was made on these groups is just indescribable.
Of course, now that I have returned, I've already started planning my next mission project. Initially, my focus will be on the deaf school. This school is run completely by donations. The Indian government provides only 10% of the monthly expenses. Pastor Rev. Sugamar, who leads the deaf school, has come forward to request monthly financial sponsorship for 5 of their most needy students. Food and education resources per month for each student are approximately $23 monthly/ $275 annually. ($1375 total annually) I am praying that somehow; I will be able to accomplish this goal through donations.
Once again, I praise the Lord for all the assistance that was received.
Your sister in Christ,
Glory Gopinath